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How to start(up) a conversation: Tech and operational

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In addition to business and financial terms, the startup industry also has many new terms.

Pitch deck

A presentation to explain a business to several people or investors. One of the most important aspects of a pitch desk is adjusting the design to the target audience. 

In addition to business ideas, a pitch deck is also often used by vendors to provide information about services they can provide before entering into a partnership.

Growth hacking

A marketing strategy in which startups require massive growth in a short time and at minimal costs in order to acquire as many customers as possible.

A/B Testing or split testing 

User experience research methodology used to compare the effectiveness or outcome of two variants.

Churn rate

The rate at which customers stop using the product or service of a company over a specified period of time. To increase the number of customers, the company’s new customer growth rate must exceed the churn rate.


According to, agile is the ability to respond to change. This ability allows companies or employees to reduce the risk of doing the wrong things in the process. Agile focuses on how we are able to understand what is currently happening so that we can identify uncertainties and find out how we can adapt

This term is often used in the startup industry because working in a startup requires us to be able to run while adapting to new trends.

Key performance indicator (KPI)

Measurable value that shows how effectively a company reaches its key business goals. Companies use KPI at various levels to evaluate their success in reaching their goals.

Monthly active users (MAU) and daily active users (DAU)

Monthly active users (MAU) and daily active users (DAU) are KPI indicators used by marketing teams, especially in social networks, to count the number of unique users who visit a site. These indicators can be used by startups that rely on websites or applications for transaction.


The reluctance to share information with employees of different divisions in the same company. This attitude is seen as reducing the organization's efficiency and, at worst, contributing to a damaged corporate culture.


A multichannel approach to sales that focus on providing seamless customer experience whether the client is shopping online from a mobile device, a laptop or in a brick-and-mortar store.

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