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TikTok sued for Rp13.1 billion over alleged copyright infringement

PT Digital Rantai Maya sued TikTok and its parent entity, ByteDance Inc. for a total of Rp13.1 billion, accusing TikTok of violating copyrights of Indonesian singer Virgoun Teguh Putra’s songs and recordings that are owned by PT Digital Rantai Maya.  

The lawsuit was registered on 13 January 2021 with the Central Jakarta District Court under reference number 4/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Cipta/2021/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst.

Digital Rantai Maya made several demands, including a Rp3.1 billion compensation for illegal and unauthorised reproduction, distribution and spreading of songs on the master sound/master recording which rights are owned by PT Digital Rantai Maya, a Rp10 billion compensation for the unrest resulting from pressure which would disrupt the company's business activities in the future, as well as demand that TikTok publish quarter-page advertisements in national newspaper Kompas acknowledging its error along with apology for three consecutive days. 

The first hearing is scheduled for 22 April 2021.