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Sandiaga Uno launches Family Sunday Movie programme to support Indonesian film industry

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno on Monday (29 November) introduced the Family Sunday Movie (FSM) programme in collaboration with the Directorate of Music, Film and Animation. This is seen as a token of appreciation for film industry workers in the country. 

Through the programme, filmmakers could publish their short films and documentaries online. Starting from January next year, all Indonesian filmmakers could join the programme by registering their short films/documentaries covering the theme of family, comedy, heroism, nationalism, sports, inspirational, motivational, educational, environmental and social against the backdrop of Indonesian tourism and creative economy.

Two films will be selected each month, and the selected films could participate in the annual Family Sunday Movie Festival award.

The programme is aimed to be a forum for local filmmakers to produce quality original works. Sandiaga also believes that the programme will boost filmmakers' enthusiasm to resume their work. 

“Film is one of the sub-sectors that is highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, film production is constrained. Film promotion is also experiencing difficulties. Cinemas are also closing during PPKM,” Sandiaga said.

The minister hopes that the FSM programme could be seen as an effort to stimulate the economy and create more job opportunities. 

At the launch event, two films were screened, namely “Krenteg” directed by Marjo Klengkam Sulam and produced by Komunitas Desa Sinema Kepunduhan and “We” directed by Aco Tenriyagelli and produced by Riuh Records.