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Google Year in Search 2021: Most searched keywords in Indonesia

Google just recently released Google Year in Search 2021 Indonesia which explores marketing trends in Indonesia by looking at the top keywords Indonesians searched throughout  2021.

Divided into five main categories, the report starts with the first category titled “Digital Mainstreamed”. Google concluded that 2021 showed the staying power of digital. More consumers are now choosing digital-first lifestyles, especially when it comes to shopping experience. 

In the first half of 2021 alone, 21 million Indonesians became new digital consumers. Search interest related to “new user promo” grew by 195% last year, while search interest in ulasan produk (product review) 
 grew by 242% as consumers seek to learn more 
about other shoppers' experience.

The report also found out that Indonesian shoppers tend to rely on more online research in deciding what's worth spending on, with search interests in “produk berkualitas (quality products) growing by 135% and “paling baru” (newest) growing by 79%. 

In terms of entertainment, Google saw a growing preference for digital entertainment. Search interest in “cara nobar” (ways to watch content together online) grew by 300% and YouTube search interest in podcasts grew by more than 350%.

The next category is titled “Lives Reexamined”. Google realises that 2021 prompted a sense of introspection and a re-evaluation of people's values and lifestyle choices as they search for more comfort and ease. Google found out that people have started to accept the blended lifestyle. 

The keyword “drive thru” increased by 167% as people opt to satisfy their cravings in the safety of their own cars and homes. Searches related to “alat kopi di rumah” (coffee maker at home) grew by 150% as Indonesians look for ways to meet their lifestyle needs at home.

People also have started to see wellness through a broader lens, valuing physical, emotional and mental health. People seek to understand themselves better as Google saw a 67% growth in search interest about MBTI (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator test). 

Self-care also became more popular, with searches about “cara merawat diri” (how to take care of myself) growing by 55%. Mental health awareness also increased, as search interest in 
 mental health 
grew by 50%. 

Not only re-evaluating their lifestyle, Indonesians also re-evaluated their finances. Searching for ways to save more effectively and exploring new forms of investment are considered as some parts of it. The report shows search interest in “
kemasan ekonomis” (economical size pack) rose by 56%. 

In terms of investment, Google saw a 128% growth in searches related to “saham pemula” (stock for beginners). Keywords “cryptocurrency” and “NFT” also saw significant growth, as high as 600% and 360%, respectively. 

Indonesians also realised the importance of spending time with families. People are seeking to build stronger familial relationships, with interest in searches about “waktu berkualitas” (quality time) and “bersama keluarga” (with family) growing by 110% and 60%, respectively. 

The third category is titled “Bridging Distances”. Here, Google found out that consumers have moved beyond and have found new ways to express themselves. Search interest in “express courier services” surged by 115%, meaning that Indonesians have looked for other ways to bridge physical distances. Search interest in “gift box” grew by 65% as sending gifts became the new way of showing care and affection to friends and family these days.

People also rely on technology to connect and have fun by conducting the virtual version of several activities. For instance,  Google has recorded growth in keywords such as “escape room online” (250%) and “online music concert” (200%). 

In the fourth category titled “Truth Seekers”, Google discovered that people are becoming more sceptical than ever due to the rise of misinformation and data breaches. Google saw a 52% increase in searches related to “fake news” as well as 83% growth in searches about “fake vitamins”. 

They also demand reassurance as can be seen from the growing numbers of searches related to “BPOM” (The National Agency of Drug and Food Control) which reached 61%, and a 40% growth in searches related to “online terpercaya” (trusted online). 

The last category is titled “Growing Inequalities”. Google discovered that the pandemic not only exposed existing inequalities, but also accelerated them. People are turning to the Internet for help. Search interest in paylater increased by up to 84%, while searches related to “pinjol” and “pinjaman online” (online lending) spiked 96%.

Rising economic pressures and unemployment have forced many people to look for ways to make money or start their own businesses, with search interests in “izin usaha” (business licence) growing by 23% and “bantuan bisnis” (business grant) growing by 150%. 

Lasly, awareness about inclusion and equity also increased throughout 2021 with search interest in “diskriminasi sosial adalah” (social discrimination means) growing by more than 150%. Search interests in “hak perempuan” (women's rights) and “kesetaraan wanita” (women equality) grew by 130% and 80%, respectively.