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Vogue adds "Palestine" back to post about Gigi Hadid after backlash

Gigi Hadid on her Instagram post pledged to donate her earnings from the Fall 2022 shows for Ukraine and Palestine. 

“Having a set Fashion Month schedule has meant that my colleagues and I often present new fashion collections during heartbreaking and traumatic times in history. We don’t have control over most of our work schedules, but we would like to walk ‘for’ something,” she wrote.

“Following in the footsteps of my friend @micarganaraz, I am pledging to donate my earnings from the Fall 2022 shows to aid those suffering from the war in Ukraine, as well as continuing to support those experiencing the same in Palestine. Our eyes and hearts must be open to all human injustice,” Hadid stated in the caption.

Vogue Magazine published this news in its Instagram account. However, while citing Hadid’s caption, it removed the word “Palestine”. Netizens then called out Vogue, saying that it is “fanning the flames of anti-Semitism”. 

Some activists also say that this demonstrates how some lives are deemed more valuable than others. Hadid herself is known as a model with Palestinian descent. 

Vogue then decided to edit the Instagram post, adding back the word as well as attaching an editor’s note that reads: “We have updated this caption to accurately reflect Gigi Hadid's statement on her donation.”

Vogue also published a news article about Hadid on its website. The headline does not mention Palestine at all up until now.