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Indonesian artist Irmandy Wicaksono wins Schnitzer Price 2022

Irmandy Wicaksono, an artist and PhD candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) majoring in Media Arts and Sciences, won the Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Prize in the Visual Arts 2022.

The story begins when Irmandy did an internship with StudiXO in London in 2013. The studio is a fashion technology laboratory. There, he and his team developed 2 mechatronic dresses for Lady Gaga to be worn at the iTunes festival in London and to be displayed at artRAVE in Brooklyn. The dresses are called Anemone and Chipper Lady.

Irmandy's expertise in blending textiles with technology allowed him to take home the Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Prize in the Visual Arts 2022 and a prize of $5,000. His works are exhibited in the Wiesner Student Art Gallery in May 2022.