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Sejauh Mata Memandang calls for Earth preservation through installation at ARTJOG MMXXI

Sejauh Mata Memandang held the inaugural collaborative exhibition ARTJOG MMXXI 2022. Alongside dozens of other artists, the installation work of Sejauh Mata Memandang titled "Kisah Punah Kita" utilises the main area of ​​the art event at the Jogja National Museum (JNM). 

Since its founding in 2010, the slow fashion textile label has put forward the spirit of Earth preservation. This spirit is manifested through a circular business model in collaboration with artisans, communities and craftspeople from various places in Indonesia.

Bringing a different theme every year, this time ARTJOG carries "Expanding Awareness" as its theme. “Awareness” brings the spirit to introduce art that can be a space for the exchange of knowledge through works with rich messages and meanings. 

In line with the theme of ARTJOG, founder of Sejauh Mata Memandang Chitra Subyakto said that through "Kisah Punah Kita", the local brand is striving to raise awareness of the role of humans in the climate crisis that has long disrupted the balance of the Earth's ecosystem. 

"Sejauh Mata Memandang wants the public to be more aware of the climate crisis and be part of the solution. With more and more people becoming aware, we hope that more concrete actions will be taken and extinction can be slowed," said Chitra. 

This optimism is in line with that in the ARTJOG awareness theme, that humans can still make positive changes in the future through small contributions of each individual. 

This is not the brand’s first participation in ARTJOG. Since 2015, Sejauh Mata Memandang has held a number of exhibitions in collaboration with various parties. "Kisah Punah Kita" is its fourteenth. 

The brand chose recycled materials for the work, one of which came from their production. Chitra added that other supporting materials were items that already exist. After the exhibition, the components will be used or reprocessed. SMM has collaborated with several waste processing partners to ensure that there is no waste that only adds to the pile of garbage. 

"Kisah Punah Kita" invites visitors to reflect on their position and participation in the climate crisis; one of them is literally through the mirror in one of the works titled "Species Cause Extinction". This installation is open to the public from 4 September 2022. 

In coincidence with the opening of ARTJOG MMXXI 2022, SMM also opened "Sejauh Rumah Kita" which is located at Rumah Simbah Studio, Yogyakarta. It serves as a place for learning and houses several workshops with the theme of slow living in collaboration with local communities.