JD.id and USS cybersale: Sneakers are not going anywhere
Data: JD.id and USS Cybersale
Streetwear is having its moment and JD.id is cashing on it through a partnership with Urban Sneakers Society (USS). A couple of weeks before Eid, the e-commerce company held a 5-day streetwear cybersale curated by USS from 13 to 18 May. Approximately 100 tenants from brands and retailers to resellers joined the event.
Within five days, JD.id raked in Rp3 billion in revenue. One third of the sales came from casual sneakers, followed by running shoes and basketball shoes. In total, sales from the shoes category alone make up nearly half of the total revenue.
The partnership is initiated to help micro, small to medium businesses thrive amid the Covid-19 pandemic. “Since offline event is not possible at this time, we have decided to create USS Cybersale, where every transaction is made online,” said USS Chief Executive Officer Sayed Muhammad in a press statement.
According to data TFR receives, sales of Nike account for one third of the total revenue. Adidas came in second, followed by Vans and Puma, respectively. Nike Air Jordan, Air Max and Air Force 1 were the most popular Nike sneakers during the cybersale. Almost 100 pairs of Air Jordan were sold.
In the apparel category, Off-White took the crown with 2.6% of total gross merchandise value (GMV). Despite losing their steam, surfwear brands Quicksilver and Billabong were among the bestsellers brands, contributing 1.6% to total GMV.
Local brands Super Sentimental Secret Theory and W.Essentiels beat Supreme in sales figure. Cashless Society came in third on the local brand bestseller list, averaging Rp230,000 per transaction.
While JD.id did not disclose buyer data, a source from USS revealed that 74% of the buyers were male. In terms of location, five provinces in Java contribute the largest amount of sales. North Sumatra held the sixth spot with 1.5% contribution to total GMV. On average, consumers in Jakarta spent around Rp800,000 per transaction.