Salah satu faktor yang mendukung budaya jiplak-menjiplak ini adalah celah dalam regulasi. Permintaan pasar juga mendorong plagiarisme. Tidak semua orang mampu membeli pakaian buatan desainer yang berharga mahal.
Read MoreOne of the encouraging factors to this notorious copying culture are the regulatory loopholes. Market demands also drive product plagiarism. Not everyone can afford the hefty price tag of designer clothing.
Read MoreSesuai dengan artinya, teknik ikat dilakukan dengan cara mengikat benang untuk mencegah pewarna meresap ke dalam benang serta untuk menciptakan pola dalam proses pewarnaan.
Read MoreIn Indonesian, ikat means “to bind.” True to its meaning, the ikat technique is done by binding the yarns to resist the dye and create patterns in the dyeing process
Read MoreMemahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi alam bawah sadar konsumen dapat mendatangkan keuntungan finansial bagi para pelaku bisnis. Google, contohnya, di mana perubahan minor pada warna yang digunakan telah menghasilkan kenaikan pendapatan iklan sebesar 200 juta dolar Amerika Serikat.
Read MoreUnderstanding the factors that influence consumers’ subconscious can lead to monetary gains for brands. Google, for example, found that a minor colour adjustment could lead to a $200 million increase in ad revenue.
Read MoreMengikuti mode bukan hal mudah. Penjaga mode bisa menjadi pengganggu, tetapi bisa juga menjadi berkah tersembunyi
Read MoreKeeping up with fashion is no easy feat. Fashion vigilantes could serve as a bully but also as a blessing in disguise
Read MoreRebranding yang dilakukan oleh merek fesyen mewah kerap menuai kritik pedas dan menggemparkan publik. Pasalnya, tipografi atau font yang baru terlihat mirip satu sama lain.
Read MoreThe latest round of luxury fashion brands rebranding had caused more uproar and internet debacle than usual. Reason being, the revamped typeface looked too similar from one brand to another.
Read MoreSome may stream out of boredom, other stream simply to keep up with the current trend. Have you got the time to catch up with Tiger King?
Read MoreFor the creative workers we talked to, the transition from the routine to working in quarantine is probably one of the most challenging parts of working from home (WFH)
Read MoreThe idea of making songs sound eerily familiar to a song you previously heard somewhere else is called sampling.
Read MoreAll of the sudden, we have a shared experience with 7.8 billion other people from all around the world. People we have never met are now our comrades
Read MoreAvani produces bio-cassava bags that can biodegrade in less than five years. A quick reminder, Avani’s “plastic” bag is the bag that quickly dissolved
Read More“Old is the new New,” Handoko Hendroyono, CEO of PT Ruang Riang Milenial (M Bloc Space), told The Finery Report
Read MoreCreative industry is taking a hit from the Covid-19 pandemic. Popular local streetwear brand Public Culture slashed prices by up to 70% to keep sales afloat
Read More“Saat investor mengetahui kondisi ini, mereka beranggapan Indonesia tidak siap menghadapi wabah. Oleh sebab itu, mereka menarik dananya,”
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