Worldwide fashion roundup: November 2021

AGLXY collaborates with Swodshit 

Ageless Galaxy, a lifestyle brand inspired by outer space exploration, on 27 November entered into collaboration with Swodshit, a graffiti artist from Semarang, for a new collection. Swod will recreate AGLXY’s mascot, Terry the Space Shuttle, with his signature style to become the centrepiece. 

Nike plans to launch virtual collection

Nike is planning to create a range of virtual fashion products after filing trademark applications at the end of October. The brand filed seven applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office for virtual trainers and clothes to be used on “downloadable virtual goods” and “online and in online virtual worlds”. The products can be worn by customers in the metaverse, a virtual world where people can experience a parallel life online or using augmented reality. 

Day and Night collaborates with Mattel

Indonesian fashion brand Day and Night collaborated with Mattel and launched a Barbie special collaboration on 20 November. The collection is called Limitless, inspired by Barbie’s slogan “you can be anything”. Day and Night challenged themselves through this collection by creating new designs, new patterns and new details that are inspired by the first Barbie doll which was launched in 1959. 

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