KPI bullying update: MS is not the only victim

Victim of bullying at Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), MS, is still trying his best to seek justice. In an interview with VOI, MS, who was accompanied by his attorney, shared that he is still mentally unstable. He also said that even before the case went viral, as he has been bullied for almost ten year, he once thought about committing suicide. He is being treated by a psychologist in Cikini and the whole treatment is funded by LBH APIK.

MS also revealed that actually he is not the only victim. Two other KPI employees who he called “HS” and “AC” were also bullied. HS and MS were the perpetrators’ main targets. HS is a quiet person, so he tends to not say anything despite being bullied. 

“The perpetrators once undressed HS and played around with him. He didn't dare to fight back, saying, ‘Just let it be, let God take revenge’,” MS stated.

“Another victim is AC. He was actually in the monitoring analyst division. The story began when AC first came [in the office] and there were no chairs in his room. He then took a chair from our division’s room which is  the visual data division. He was then intimidated and the perpetrators ordered him to make coffee and tea when there was actually an office boy [they could assign this task to]. Level-wise, AC and the perpetrators are in the same position,” MS explained. 

MS also shared that the KPI once hired a new female employee. “However, she resigned after a month, as she cannot take it any longer [given the toxic environment].”

MS recalled how in the beginning one of the seniors welcomed him by saying, “Welcome to the jungle.” At first, he was confused about what it actually meant. “I was confused, but it turned out that they literally carry out the law of the jungle, especially in the visual data division,” he said. 

In the latest development,the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) recently issued nine recommendations after it conducted an investigation. 

Some main points in the recommendations are: first, the KPI is required to protect victims morally and draft a policy regulating workplace bullying. Second, the KPI should cooperate with the police in law enforcement efforts. In addition, the KPI should punish the perpetrators and in its policy, the KPI should state that it prohibits any kind of bullying, harassment and violence. 

As reported by CNN Indonesia, the KPI said that it will take the recommendations into account. Head of the Central KPI Agung Suprio explained that the agency will use the recommendations as a reference in creating policy in handling as well as preventing similar cases for the sake of upholding human rights in the work environment of the Central KPI.