Artist sells invisible art for $18,000

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Forget about NFT artwork sold for exorbitant price. Italian artist Salvatore Garau on 1 June sold an invisible sculpture titled Io Sono, Italian for I Am, for more than $18,000. The sculpture was initially set at 6,000 to 9,000 euros. The price went up when several bids came in. Despite the criticism he receives, he argues that the sculpture is a vacuum instead of nothing.

According to Garau, the immaterial sculpture is made of spirit and air. Cited from, Garau said, "The vacuum is nothing more than a space full of energy, and even if we empty it and there is nothing left, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that 'nothing' has a weight. Therefore, it has energy that is condensed and transformed into particles, that is, into us."

Italy24News reported that the buyer will only receive a certificate of authentication signed by Garau. The artist also has a specific instruction regarding the placement of the sculpture. The sculpture must be displayed at a private home within a 150x150 cm space free from any obstruction, the news outlet reported.

Garau last month displayed another immaterial sculpture titled Buddha in Contemplation at Piazza della Scala in Milano. The captions in the beginning of the video says, “Now it exists and will remain in this space forever.” Followed by the title and another caption, “You do not see it but it exists. It is made of air and spirit.”