Indonesian artists take spotlight in Singapore’s art market

Indonesian artists are thriving globally and gaining more attention from international art collectors. Art Works Singapore, one of the art galleries that has gone online as the result of the pandemic, reported that Indonesian arts make up 20% of its online sales so far. 

Federico Tomasi - who has participated in many international art exhibitions, such as Art Loves New York and Biennale of Venice, Bagus Arti Maruta and Aurora Santika - a young aspiring female artist who collaborated with Disney, are the Indonesian artists who are featured at Art Works Singapore. 

Indonesian arts’ distinctive style and specialities along with its highly-affordable price compared to arts from other countries are seen as the reasons behind their rising popularity in Singapore’s art market. 

“Indonesian artists are showcasing their talent in their artistics works that are very much influenced from each of the artists’ individualism as well as the culture and situation surrounding them, presenting unique archetypes of Indonesian arts,” explained Troy Sadler, the co-founder of Art Works Singapore. 

The growing significance of Indonesian artists in the global art market is in line with the country’s growth. Artists are producing more artworks with fresh characteristics, thanks to the changes they experience as the country keeps innovating. 

The remarkable growth of the Indonesian economy over these past few years also affects the art market as a whole as demand for luxury assets, such as fine arts, continues growing. In addition, more people are now considering purchasing art as a form of financial investment.

“Our company has seen an average of 20% to 25% capital gain annually in these past five years,” Sadler added.