Gojek couriers go on strike

Few days before the official merger between two unicorns, Gojek and Tokopedia, Gojek couriers in the GoSend division, GoKilat to be particular, announced that they are going on a strike for three days starting from today. Couriers will be turning down orders coming in from Greater Jakarta and Bandung.

According to Arif Novianto via his Twitter account (@arifnovianto_id), the strike was initiated to protest the drastically reduced incentives or bonuses for GoKilat couriers.

The current incentive scheme for Bandung is Rp1,000 for 1-11 deliveries, Rp1,500 for 12-17 deliveries and Rp2,000 for 18 deliveries and above. In Greater Jakarta, the rate is set at Rp1,000 for one to nine deliveries, Rp2,000 for 10-14 deliveries and Rp2,500 for 15 deliveries and above. On top of incentives, couriers earn Rp2,000/km for GoKilat service.

This only applies if the courier’s performance exceeds 80%. For instance, the performance rate of a new courier or driver is 100%. If the courier only takes one out of four orders that come in, his or her performance rate will be 25%.

Before the adjustment, GoKilat couriers made Rp42,000 for more than 18 deliveries in Bandung and Rp100,000 for more than 15 deliveries in Jabodetabek.

Gojek Vice President Audrey Petriny explained that the adjustment is to create equal opportunity for every Gojek partner to receive incentives from GoKilat. She is optimistic that the adjustment will increase couriers’ productivity. In response to the announcement for the strike, she stated that the company will do their best to fulfill the supply and demand.

Following the strike, images of multiple flower boards with the text “deep condolences for the lost of Gojek’s humanity” begin to circulate on social media. The flower boards were reportedly sent by the couriers to Gojek headquarter.