FYNE.ST aims to create ethical talent management company

After more than a decade of experience in producing big talents, Fay Ismail, Catur Septembriano along with a group of executives of the entertainment industry founded FYNE.ST to change the landscape of the talent management business.

“We listen to our talents,” said Fanisa Amandhia, account executive of FYNE.ST. The company defines itself as an ethical management as it aims to give fair treatment to talents under their care and create a healthy and fun working environment. 

Fanisa explained that FYNE.ST is not interested in telling its talents what to do. “We are not cookie-cutters,” she said. “Every talent has their own will and capabilities.” She added that with FYNE.ST, they are seeking to bring out the best in every talent by facilitating them to grow and develop on their own course. 

In its latest project, the company is working to develop talents’ skills to sing rock music with Naif ex-member Franki Indrasmoro under his project, Frank N Friends or FNF. “Vania Aurel and Rona Ang only sang sweet songs under the previous management,” Fanisa explained, “but now with FNF, they have the chance to explore the talents many did not know they had.”