Manpower Ministry to find solution to e-commerce couriers issue

The Ministry of Manpower on 12 August held an online meeting as a response to a petition posted on demanding the manpower minister to improve the well-being of e-commerce couriers/drivers. 

The petition, titled “Menaker Ida Fauziyah, Tolong #LindungiKurir E-commerce. Mereka Belum Aman dan Sejahtera,” was posted by Serikat Pekerja 4.0, sharing heartbreaking stories of couriers/drivers from various delivery services in Indonesia.

Some couriers/drivers said that in addition to low daily income despite the long working hours and distance covered, they also receive complaints from customers. If the customer is not satisfied with the product the courier/driver delivers, they tend to take out their anger on the courier/driver. 

The petition is backed by numerous organisations, including Emancipate Indonesia, Taktekbum, Ecommurz and Design Rant. They pressure the government to establish a set of standards that will protect couriers/drivers and ensure their well-being. 

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah announced that the ministry will soon coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation to find the solution to this issue. In addition to evaluating the current delivery service rate that is deemed detrimental to couriers/drivers, they will reassess and further review the partnership scheme in order to increase the bargaining powers of drivers/couriers so as to create more equal partnership between couriers/drivers, marketplaces and delivery services. 

At the online meeting, Ida stated that long working hours will increase the risk of accidents among couriers/drivers, while the low income will lead them to feel overwhelmed as they are forced to work beyond their normal capacity as human beings.

She also emphasised that a partnership should not restrict the rights and ignore the safety of e-commerce couriers/drivers. “Protecting these drivers is as important as protecting e-commerce consumers,” she said.