Yogyakarta mural artists undeterred by critical murals cover-up

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The Yogyakarta Public Order Agency on Sunday (22 August) covered up graffiti that reads “Dibungkam” (Silenced) with white paint. The graffiti, painted on the wall of Kewek bridge in Danurejan, Yogyakarta, was erased less than 24 hours after it was made. The next day, mural artists retaliated by making another graffiti that reads “Bangkit Melawan atau Tunduk Ditindas” (Rise and Fight or Submit to Oppression) with red paint. In a matter of hours, the graffiti was erased again.

Deputy Commander of Field Operations at the Yogyakarta Public Order Agency Achmad Solikin said that the graffiti cover-up is in line with Yogyakarta Bylaw No.2/2017 on Peace, Public Order and Community Protection. The murals are deemed provocative and the Public Order Agency called on the public not to make such provocative murals.

However, Yogyakarta mural artists refused to comply. One of the mural artists involved in the making of the latter mural, Anagard, stated on his Instagram post that street art is a “plural and humane medium of criticism". According to him, the erasure of mural artworks in the name of local regulations is a form of oppression and deprivation of human rights.

Over the past month, the authorities have been on a mural erasing and artist hunting spree. In response, Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak (People's Movement Alliance), a Yogyakarta-based political organisation, is calling all Indonesian mural artists to participate in their mural competition.