More than 50 street artists takes part in Hit The North 2021


More than 50 mural artists from all over the globe are taking part in Hit The North (HTN) Street Art Festival 2021 held in Belfast, Ireland on 5-12 September.

The event, now in its ninth year, has transformed the city and Cathedral Quarter visual landscape with more than 300 murals. The festival has attracted over a thousand people witnessing the artists turning walls into canvases. HTN, which started from the central part of the city, has now expanded to the southern and eastern parts of Belfast thanks to the rise of its popularity.

Director of Seedhead Arts Adam Turkington expressed his gratitude to local businesses and the hospitality and arts sector for their support. The festival was established in 2013 with a goal of rejuvenating the North Street area in the city. This year, the festival is supported by Hennessy.