Lazy Susan in collaboration with The Buffalo to promote its second issue

Culinary-based platform Lazy Susan just released the second issue of its online magazine. The new issue discusses “Chicken Chronicles” as its main theme. To celebrate the second release, Lazy Susan collaborated with chicken joint The Buffalo to release a new buffalo chicken wings menu called “LAZY Chicken”.

Lazy Susan and The Buffalo give LAZY Chicken Indonesian flavours, such as  fried kalasan wings, kalasan roasted wings and buffalo wings with rujak sauce. They also released a cocktail called Es Melek which consists of nusa cana rum, coconut milk, pineapple juice, ginger powder and turmeric powder. 

The menu will be available for one month, from 15 January until 15 February. 

“Expect familiar flavours that are packaged differently. The flavours that we present are [only] inspired by those spices - so they are not the same as the traditional kalasan or rujak. We hope that this collaboration can make people realise that actually we can explore and create Indonesian cuisine that is adapting to today's culture,” said Lazy Susan Designer and Creative Director Alyandra Katya.

This idea was driven by the fact that chicken wings are starting to gain popularity in Indonesia. However, Lazy Susan notices that most chicken wings joints only sell American or Korean chicken wings. Therefore, it decided to create the Indonesian version of the food.

“We see that The Buffalo’[s wings] have a strong presence. To add, looking at their previous collaborations, we could see that The Buffalo is a bold brand that takes on challenges to explore cuisine outside their own realm, such as the American cuisine,” Alyandra said when explaining the reason behind the magazine’s decision to collaborate with The Buffalo for the menu.