InSAGA: One of Indonesia’s oldest performing arts schools reborn

Before the discourse of theatrics as an art gained popularity in Indonesian higher education, there was Akademi Seni Drama dan Film (Drama and Film Academy), or popularly known as ASDRAFI. After the academy was dissolved in the 1980s, the alumni banded together in Guyub Rukun Keluarga (GRK) ASDRAFI. 2021 marks the return of GRK ASDRAFI to the art academia under the name of Indonesia School of Arts GRK ASDRAFI or InSAGA.

ASDRAFI is one of the earliest performing arts schools in Indonesia. The Yogyakarta-based school, which was established in 1955 by theater actor and director Sri Murtono, has produced big names in the Indonesian arts scene, such as Teguh Karya, W. S. Rendra, Putu Wijaya and Arifin C. Noer.

“However, [ASDRAFI] never had any legal body,” said Deddy Ratmoyo, a senior mime and ballroom dance instructor, as well as a member of GRK ASDRAFI. GRK ASDRAFI members then reunited and completed the legal procedure for the school earlier this year. The school itself has been active in the last three months.

The school offers eight classes: Arts, Theater, Music, Film, Trionoto Adi Coro, Pantomime, Literature and Dance. Each class is handled by experienced experts in each field; the majority of whom are members of GRK ASDRAFI. However, Deddy emphasised that InSAGA is not meant to be a profit-oriented school, but aims to share knowledge to people who seek and can benefit from it.