Victim in KPI bullying case undergoes psychological tests, LPSK said he suffers from paranoia


MS, the victim in the infamous KPI bullying case, is undergoing several psychological tests to complete the evidence needed for the investigation. He underwent a psychological test at the Witness and Victim Protection Agency  (LPSK) on Monday (27 September). 

After 2 hours of examination, which included 40 questions, the result stated that MS suffers from paranoia and excessive fear. 

“The result showed that the victim experiences excessive fear, much higher than average adults. He always feels paranoid whenever he needs to deal with something,” said MS’ legal representative Muhammad Mualimin. 

Mualimin also said that although MS did not receive any threat from the perpetrators, the fact that they were considering to counter-sue him did frighten MS. 

“Therefore, we hope that the LPSK could give the victim protection by ensuring that the perpetrators will not counter-sue the victim, as the legal process is still underway,” Mualimin stated. 

The legal process, handled by the Central Jakarta Police, hasn't shown any progress and the five alleged perpetrators have not been named as suspects after being investigated. 

However, the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) earlier summoned three KPI employees who work in the same division with MS, asking them for information regarding the case and to find out whether they have any knowledge of all the incidents MS revealed in the press release. 

Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara said that the action was taken to learn about the working situation and environment in the KPI office as the commission develops an analysis on the case. “We are also considering inviting other KPI staff, but we will see how this case will develop first," he said.

In terms of investigating the perpetrators, Beka said Komnas HAM feels that it is not necessary as of now. 

“We have not seen the need [to investigate the suspects]. We will continue to develop information or ask for information from many parties involved in this case as well as to follow up all information conveyed by the police,” Beka concluded.

MS also went for another psychological examination at RS Polri on Tuesday (28 September), as requested by the Central Jakarta Police. “Yes, it is true. It is still ongoing,” Mualimin confirmed. 

“The victim’s psychological condition will be examined in a maximum of 14 meetings and the examinations are handled by a team of 5 doctors/psychiatrists. Each psychiatrist has their own method in digging the confession MS had revealed before," said Mualimin. The result of the forensic psychiatric examination will be used as evidence.